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Yutaka's Back!
Yutaka Moriwaki returns to BC
~ May 14-24
by Eric Fergusson

Newer riders may not be familiar with Member 1692 Yutaka Moriwaki. He visited BC from Japan more or less continuously from 2008 to 2014 to tackle our toughest ultracycing events, all on Vancouver Island, including 2 Ultimate Island Explorer 2000 kms. He was back in May to ride the challenging Gold Rush Trail 1000 and took the opportunity visit some old friends.

Yutaka with former Vancouver Island Brevet Coordinator Mike Croy.
Photo from: Mike Croy

With Ken Bonner. Ken designed and organized all those impossible Island Ultras.
Photo: Mike Croy

With Eric Fergusson (Me!)
Photo: Dave King
With Dave King. Yutaka and Dave started the GRT 1000 at 5 a.m. the next morning.
Photo: Eric Fergusson

Below we see a 2019 200 km brevet pin from Yutaka's club Audax Japan Kinki, a sub-organization of Audax Japan. It was designed by Yutaka. He says that the inspiration for the pins was our BC finishers pins. More at this link.


Go to: Yutaka in the Database (Member 1692)


June 2, 2024