Newsletter - 2023 Archive

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Cycling Club
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Eric Fergusson is our Perma Butt 2023
Eric Fergusson & Dave King at the UBC control
on Permanent Brevet #151: "Take It Easy",
January 26, 2024.
Photo: Dave King

Permanent Stats 2023
by Eric Fergusson (permanents coordinator)

Here are the main stats from this past season's permanent brevets:

Total permanent distance: 11,530 km
Total number of rides: 56
Total number of riders: 13
Number of BC-12 award recipients: 4
Longest Permanent: Barry Monaghan (324 km)
"Perma Butt" (most permanent distance): Eric Fergusson (2412 km)

4 riders earned a BC-12 pin for riding a brevet or permanent brevet in 12 consecutive months, ending in 2023:

Gary Baker --> Earned a BC-12 award in February 2023
Eric Fergusson --> Earned a BC-12 award in May 2023
Dave King --> Earned a BC-12 award in June 2023
Karen Smith --> Earned a BC-12 award in April 2023

Here's the full list of permanent riders with their 2023 permanent distances:

 2412  Eric Fergusson      12  201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201
 2000  Karen Smith         10  200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200
 1415  Gary Baker           7  204, 204, 201, 202, 200, 204, 200
 1171  Barry Monaghan       5  223, 223, 201, 324, 200
 1005  Dave King            5  201, 201, 201, 201, 201
  908  Murray Tough         4  201, 201, 301, 205
  805  Michael Gottlieb     4  201, 204, 200, 200
  608  Jeff Mudrakoff       3  204, 200, 204
  404  Bob Goodison         2  204, 200
  201  Étienne Hossack      1  201
  201  Andrew Rapier        1  201
  200  Simon Davis          1  200
  200  Gary Sparks          1  200

Go to: Permanent Stats 2008-2023


December 31, 2023


Long-time On-going Streaks:
(i.e. continuous streaks if the "no ride" covid months in 2020 and 2021 are removed)

2008-10 Eric Fergusson
2018-10 Dave King
2022-05 Karen Smith
2022-03 Gary Baker


On-going Streaks - Current Start Months for 2024 BC-12 Awards:

2023-03 Gary Baker
2023-04 Jeff Mudrakoff
2023-05 Karen Smith
2023-06 Eric Fergusson
2023-07 Michael Gottlieb
2023-07 Dave King
2023-09 Murray Tough
2024-01 Bob Goodison
2024-01 Barry Monaghan