Newsletter - 2018 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Annual General Meeting 2018
Event date: October 14, 2018
by Eric Fergusson

38 people attended the 2018 AGM and brunch at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn on Sunday, October 14th. Highlights included the awarding of 40,000 medals to Gary Sparks and Rick van Braber (life time event-distance of 40,000 km, 1000km brevet pins to 14 riders (photos below), and of course the 2018 volunteer pins which this year went to 93 recipients. The Harold Bridge bursary - $1000 to help defray the costs of a first time Paris Brest Paris rider - was selected in a random draw between three riders. The winner was Jacquetta Benard from Kelowna.

The business part of the meeting included a special resolution this year. Members were asked to vote to adopt a revised constitution to bring the club in to compliance with British Columbia's new societies act. The vote passed unanimously. The event was emceed by two-term out-going President Étienne Hosack.

As always a new executive committee was elected - see photo below. Many thanks to the three out-going committee members - John Oswlad, Chris Cullum and David King - for all their volunteer efforts.


Standing: Cheryl Lynch, Gary Sparks, Will Danicek, Jeff Mudrakoff, Peter Stary (Vice President), Jacques Bilinski (Tresurer), Nigel Press, Maciej Szarecki & Étienne Hossack.
Kneeling: Anna Bonga (Secretary), Colin Fingler (President) & Stephen Hinde.
Missing from photo: Roxanne Stedman.

2018 Brevet & Volunteer Pin

Go to: AGM Info Page
Go to: Minutes of 2018 AGM


October 19, 2018