Permanents are Happening...
And Sometimes There's Snow
A photo from Ken Bonner
Ken rode permanent #25 today...

Hi, Eric!
Result-Prm25-Bonner-21Nov10 – Elapsed time = 9h 39m. Most of the day was spent at -1 & -2 C. With a brief +2 C at Sidney when the sun came out for about a ½ hour.
Roads were dry for the first 25k, then icy patches and snow on the side of the road. Mostly the roads were clear, but very wet. Snow flurries on the west side of the Peninsula, plus there was about 6 inches of snow on the fields and on all the branches of the trees. Very Xmas-like. Unfortunately, the bike lanes were not plowed, but there was not a lot of traffic.
I took a photo of the snow around Deep Cove, just north of the airport, but so far haven’t figured out how to send it to you! [Editorial note: I got the photo earlier today, so somehow Ken did manage to send it from the road.]
Probably won’t ride tomorrow, as the predicted sunny day has turned into a day of -2C with snow flurries. But, you never know … maybe it will be sunny and a balmy 15C! J
Cheers … Ken
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November 21, 2010 |