Eau de Hell - Stories & Articles |
![]() Multiple EdH week finishers: Jeff Mudrakoff (4), Eric Fergusson (4) and Gary Baker (2). Photo: Jerome Lavigne "Eau
de Hell"
Week #4 Eau de Hell... The 4th Eau de Hell Week (EdH) ultracyclist
event centred in Chemainus, B.C., concluded Friday, April 17,
2010, with the last riders finishing the EdH Ride For Gold 600k
in 38 hours and 10 It was a week of firsts. For
the first time in four years, the weather was unusually pleasant,
as heavy rain, freezing temperatures and strong winds are the
norm. Cheryl Lynch, from Vancouver, powered through all
four distance events (200 km; 300 km; 400 km and 600km) to be
the first female rider to complete EdH Week. Her total accumulated
time was 80 hours and 42 minutes. Fantastic! Excellent
Club history material. Club history was also made with other notable performances by intrepid EdH neophytes, Mike Croy, Phil Lennox and Jim Runkel, (all from Victoria) as the first British Columbia randonneur cyclists to complete their first super randonneur brevet events (200, 300, 400 and 600 km.) in one week! See Jim Runkels story on the Clubs Newsletter pages, along with Cheryls recounting of her saga. Normally, cyclists take a minimum of two weeks between each distance before moving on to the longer distance.
Participants in the 4th Eau de Hell week came not only from British Columbia, but also from California, Ontario, and Washington State. Out of 45 starters, 16 persevered to complete the four distances setting a record for the highest percentage of Hellions ever. Once again, everyone was very pleased with Patrick Wright & Jenny Watsons well-oiled organization of the EdH Tour of Cowichan 200 km event; and with Graham Fishlock & Dave Macmurchies new challenge of organizing the EdH Lost But Not Forgotten 400 km event, not only providing goodies at several controls, but also, Dave went all out with a heated, lighted and well-stocked bus stop in the wilds of Shawnigan Lake in the deep darkness of a cold night. Newly arrived from Ontario, Martin Williams, jumped into assist with the EdH Ride for Gold 600 km event, registering riders, staffing the first control and staffing the finish control all day Friday until the last Hellions arrived! Eau de Hell Week results, photos and stories are available at the BC Randonneurs Cycling Clubs website http://www.randonneurs.bc.ca/eau-de-hell-week/results_2010.html - Special award for the first woman to complete the full EdH brevet series received a fine bottle of B.C. bubbly -- Congratulations to Cheryl Lynch! - All sixteen Hellions received a 36.9
gram size of BodyGlide (Thank-you to BodyGlide!) - One rider who was both the fastest and the slowest female Hellion received two bottles of the devil's Quebec-brewed Maudite Cheryl Lynch Thank-you to: Dancing Bean Café in Chemainus for opening early for the 200k brevet more of the Eau de Hell week brevets. See you again next year! ![]() The next BC Randonneurs cycling event on Vancouver Island is The Hills Are Alive 300 km. starting early Saturday morning, April 24, 2010 http://www.randonneurs.bc.ca/schedule/sch_vi.html Editor's note: It should be mentioned that in addition to organizing the series, Ken also rode the event with the other riders this year. (In past years he has pre-ridden the routes a week earlier.) The result for Ken was a new cumulative time record (66:25) for the four rides that make up the EdH week, and a course record on the 400 km route. Nice going Ken!
April 20, 2010 |