Getting a Ride
on the Coastal Renaissance
by Harold Bridge
things I had to go through to get on board this magnificent Ferry!
It obviously required going to Vancouver Island and I needed
an excuse to do that. It came in the form of an invitation to
visit someone I knew in Britain 40 years, or more, ago who had
since moved to Victoria.
my conscience said that environmental and financial considerations
made it necessary to find something else to do while there. What
better than the Victoria Populaire? I knew the route, the terrain
was comfortable for early season and it was only 105 kms. I pre-entered.
Murphy thinks that is a risk, but on the other hand I had less
excuse to chicken out.
little idea what sort of line up there would be, I arrived at
Tsawwassen about 90 minutes before the 13:00 sailing. If I was
going to be at Swartz Bay at about 15:00 then I had plenty of
time to investigate the new bits of the revised route. They looked
about 17:00 I arrived and soon settled in before being taken
out for dinner. Old people have more to reminise about than to
look forward to, and we had a pleasant evening talking of past
deeds & people as well as catching up on current affairs.
the Vic Pop not starting until 10:00 I had time to get lost &
recover & still get to Beacon Hill Park in plenty of time
to join the 50 or more starters. On a steep bit of camber I put
my foot down, the other foot hit the saddle rather than get over
it & I landed on the deck. Soon after my elbow felt wet but
I was on my way & left it to dry. Everyone, including Jack
Sharkey, was going far too fast and I soon took my established
had some concern for the safety of Vancisle residents due to
the obvious tectonic activity taking place; the hills were much
longer and steeper than they used to be.
from confirming we didn't need to BR onto Lochside Drive I had
a non-stop ride to Island View where hunger knock forced me to
walk up to East Saanich Rd while chewing a Clif.
making the immediate BR onto Central Saanich I saw a group pass
Central Saanich having missed the 2nd turn & gone round 2
sides of the triangle.
the Sidney 7-11 I was visualizing the ride back to Victoria down
Lochside Trail etc. But thought I would like to ride those new
roads, Wain, Tatlow, Chalet & Birch before heading back to
Victoria. Once I did that and arrived at West Saanich Rd I realized
there was no point in quitting. The only thing I could cut out
was the Ardmore loop. So it looked like I had got to finish whether
I liked it or not.
probably enhanced my feelings of frustration over the last few
kms. Not being too familiar with the road convolutions I was
looking fwd to getting back to Beacon Hill Park. Then, while
heading for Quadra Street, per my route sheet, a shout from Alex
Whitfield instructed me to turn down Vancouver Street instead.
I stopped to read the official route sheet & found an unannounced
change about 600 metres from the finish. We were clocked in at
16:55, five minutes inside limit.
the whining sort of voice the elderly use with good effect, I
was able to convince Carol and Stephen that it wouldn't be good
for me to get to Tsawwassen at about 22:00 & then drive 50kms
to PoCo half asleep I was invited to Naniamo. Probably just as
far, but in daylight. To ensure I got there Stephen rode shot
gun in my Ford Focus while Carol drove someone else to Shawinigan
morning dawned bright & the 10:30 ferry would be soon enough
& allow me to miss Naniamo's rush hour. The BCF website claimed
the Coastal Renaissance was on the 10:30 run to Horseshoe Bay.
a toodo, just for a boat ride eh?

Harold on the
2008 Victoria Populaire
March 31, 2008 |