Newsletter - 2003 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Annual General Meeting --- Update --- Price is $15

Harold Bridge


There was a provisional suggestion that the cost of the Bedford House Buffet be reduced from the normal $15 to $10. The cost to the Club will be $15.95 + 7% tax & + 15% graturity. That adds up to $19.46. Therefore expect to pay $15 a head with kids still at $10. Ofcourse, if your conscience says you have done nothing to earn the consideration there is nothing to stop you dropping $20 in the kitty.

September 28 --- Annual General Meeting

Harold Bridge


Anybody who has ridden (or driven for that matter) through Fort Langley to or from the Albion Ferry during the past few weeks will have noticed that the Bedford House is expecting an unusually large crowd of BC Randonneurs on September 28, the date for the Club's AGM. Lots of new construction seems to indicate the place will be considerably larger.

No change is intended for the long standing routine on that day. We will meet, as usual, at about 09:30 in Marina Park at the north end of Church St and immediately east of the Bedford House parking lot. DO NOT park in the Restuarant's parking lot, use Marina Park.

By 10:00 route sheets wll be issued for a selection of distances to be ridden and everyone can set off, or not if they so wish, for a "Social" ride.

At a bit past 13:00 we should be back ready to descend upon the Bedford House with intent to decimate the usually excellent buffet. The price is to be confirmed, but I think it will be $10.00 a head, $10 for youngsters, littleuns free. (The price, inc tax & graturity will really be $22.00, but we have a generous treasurer!)

After the meal a brief (usually) business meeting will applaud the new Executive and other volunteers who help this Club to run so smoooothly. Things usually wrap up about 15:30.

I am not interested in whether or not you intend to do the ride, I only need to know how many for the buffet by Wednesday September 24.

That the AGM consistently proves to be the Club's most popular function just goes to show what a wonderful crowd we are!

