Newsletter - 2003 Archive

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Cache Creek 600

Mike Poplawski


Here's a brief synopsis of my Cache Creek 600 km. I'm always interested in seeing what my average speeds are for each leg were. I wonder if everyone had the same experiences with the conditions.

Total: 87.7 km Leg: 87.7 km Riding Time: 2:41 hr Average Speed 32.7 kph
Pitt Meadows-Sea Bird Island; six-rider paceline up until Woodside--Poplawski, Brade, Bilinski, Harley, Stary, Andre Nearly get dropped descending Woodside--nervous on wet pavement and unfamiliar curve. Hit 78 kph anyway (besting 2001 Fleche descent of 64 kph in darkness without lights).

Total: 179.7 km Leg: 92.0 km Riding Time: 3:07 hr Average Speed 29.5 kph
Sea Bird Island-Boston Bar; three riders: Poplawski, Stary, Andre (of course this is where Phil and Peter personally ensured my trip to France by not only Phil lending me his spare tire but Peter mounting it, and they even inflated it. I barely got my hands dirty. Can't properly thank you guys. How much is a dream worth?)

Total: 254.4 km Leg: 74.7 km Riding Time: 2:42 hr Average Speed 27.6 kph
Boston Bar-Spences Bridge: Poplawski, Stary and Andre catch Bates and Laidlaw tandem; I get dropped on Jackass Mountain and ride solo to Spences Bridge. Meet the unfortunate Harley waiting for sag wagon due to stomach problems. I was lucky that this was my solo portion of the event as the road is not good and riding by myself allowed me to choose a good line the whole way. Also, there were some beautiful spots for dipping my bandanna into creeks and other nature stops. Ahh! Also, very thankful for using brand new lenses in glasses--the scenery is just amazing.

Total: 301.7 km Leg: 47.3 km Riding Time: 1:55 hr Average Speed 24.5 kph
Spences Bridge-Cache Creek: Start out solo after watching a number of riders come and go. Caught and rode with Ross Nichol, then caught and rode with Hoeben-Abrams-Tennant to turn-around point. Total: 349.0 km Leg: 47.3 km Riding Time: 1:51 hr Average Speed 25.6 kph
Cache Creek-Spences Bridge: Returned with Hoeben-Abrams-Tennant to end first day of riding at 21:21 after a very enjoyable Husky meal.

Total: 428.9 km Leg: 79.9 km Riding Time: 3:30 hr Average Speed 22.8 kph
Spences Bridge-Boston Bar: Set out at 02:10 with Andre and rode through until 05:55 to Boston Bar with Roger Holt, then Hoeben-Abrams-Tennant (where art thou, eggs, bacon, potatoes, etc?)

Total: 480.3 km Leg: 51.4 km Riding Time: 2:14 hr Average Speed 23.2 kph
Boston Bar-Dogwood: Shivering from asphalt seating at Boston Bar dining locale, riding with Andre then being caught at Fraser River bridge crossing (another spectacular nature break) by Hoeben-Abrams-Tennant-Bilinski.

Total: 571.1 km Leg: 90.8 km Riding Time: 3:41 hr Average Speed 24.9 kph
Dogwood-Mission: Now the cast of characters gets confusing as there is no shortage of leapfrog including a busy scramble up Woodside; I won't list everyone as I'm sure I'd miss somebody. Hoeben's funky wheel is finally put out of its misery and we wave hello to a friendly bear. The wind is still in our faces but spirits are lifted by some good quick food at Tim Horton's. Coke! Chili! Mmmmm....doughnut!

Total: 604.1 km Leg: 33.0 km Riding Time: 1:10 hr Average Speed 28.3 kph
Mission-Pitt Meadows: The winds turn friendly and push everyone together; on the Haney Bypass the snake gets very long with I think 11 riders on 9 bikes: LePage-Arscott-Bates-Laidlaw-Bilinski-Andre -Tennant-Hoeben-Abrams-Brade-Poplawski; I decide to share a few extra moments with some drivers before eventually turning left onto Highway 7 to the finish.

Total 22:51 hours riding 26.4 kph

My overall time of 34:00 (thank you to the lenient judges) included 11:09 off the bike. A nice social ride!

À Paris!
