
BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Facile bike

"The Facile, patented in 1879 by the British firm Beale and Straw, used lever extensions on the pedals to situate the rider closer to the center of the frame. The bicyclist pushed up and down on the reciprocating levers, tracing short arcs rather than full circles. Though almost as high up as [on an Ordinary], the rider was purportedly less likely to suffer a header because the new seat position, along with the larger rear wheel, made for a better distribution of weight and hence a more stable vehicle. Before long the Facile began to prove itself in competition and attract a large following. In 1883, J.H. Adams rode an astonishing 242 miles, setting a new twenty-four-hour record"

David Herlihy - The Bicycle: A History, pages 218 -219










