Ryder Hatzic - Main

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Lower Mainland Brevets
"Ryder Hatzic Hills 300" Photos
April 26, 2014

Photos: Étienne Hossack


Surprised myself at not packing much more on the 300 than a 200...

Entering the dykes on the Pitt River to great views

Tobin loves flying along on his Hètres

Lucas would be a-gree'n with that!

Watching Pete and Patrick disappear up the hill...

And Pete zooms downhill because why not?

Handsome fellas at the dam!

Wonderful views on the way to Ryder Lake

Lucas chews some chocolate and hates my wayfinding

Down, down we gooooo

He may not look it, but Tobin's zooming down the hill like a aerodynamic moose!

Bike shot

In case you didn't already know, Lucas really like ice cream!

Green Tea Milkshake? Awwwww yeah

Mandatory Fort Langley stop

Cuz that's how we do! Our jerseys are Randonneuring Rose!

Nothing makes Tobin happy like nachos and beer
