2003 BC PBP Photos

BC Randonneur Cycling Club


Paris Brest Paris
August 2003

Photos from Dan McGuire


BC Randonneurs ready to leave for PBP bike check and sign in

Deirdre Arscott and Bob LePage

Doug Latornell and Susan Allen

Stella Meades, Danelle Laidlaw, John Bates and Sandy Sandquist

Eric Fergusson and Harold Bridge

Eric Fergusson

Réal Préfontaine and Manfred Kuchenmuller

Danelle Laidlaw and John Bates

Sign in

Keith Fraser and Harold Bridge

Ali Holt

Réal Préfontaine and Dave Gillanders (Brian Westerberg behind)

Brian Westerberg, Dave Gillanders, Val White and Réal Préfontaine

Dave Gillanders, Val White and Réal Préfontaine

Canadians 1

Canadians 2

BC Randonneurs 1

BC Randonneurs 2
Dan McGuire (sitting, non-cycling clothing) - First Canadian to finish 3 PBPs (1979, 1983, 1987)

BC women

Robert Lepertel (ride organizer) and ?

Harold Bridge and Keith Fraser

Queuing for 8 p.m. starters (80 hour group)
Keith and Harold on right

Noel Simpson

Michel Richard, Eric Fergusson and Ken Bonner

Keith Fraser dashing for a good start possition
(He did end up very close to the start line)

Paul O'Donoghue in green (our fast friend from Ireland) and Noel Simpson (Audax UK)

8 p.m. start line (80 hour group)

Keith Fraser in white helmet (?)

