Flèche Pacifique - Main
BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Every team must declare a team captain. The captain is responsible for all documentation and should follow up with team members to make sure membership is up to date and the fees are paid by the entry deadline. All entry material will be sent to ride organizer who will review the proposed route and then assemble, print and distribute the control cards to team captains.

A team must submit its 2025 Flèche Registration Form (Excel or PDF) (same form for Trace Pacifique), to the event organizer by April 22, 2025. Along with the form, teams must submit an accurate route sheet of at least 360 km for a Flèche (201 km for the Trace) indicating the route with detailed turn cues, distances and control locations.

The organizer must approve the route sheet, and will prepare and email control cards for each individual. It is the responsibility of the team captain to ensure adequate time for route checking and changes.

All participants must be BC Randonneurs Cycling Club members. To join or renew membership, you can register and pay using the on-line link found here.

Team members must register (and pay) individually on-line for the event using the Flèche or Trace link from the Schedule Page here, similar to how they would register on-line for a brevet. (Direct registration links here: Flèche or Trace.)

2025 Fee Schedule:

$60 Cdn/person entry fee (includes brunch)
$10 Cdn - club membership fee (mandatory for All riders because of liability)
$40 Cdn - non-rider brunch fee
(cancellation deadline for brunch is the Sunday before the ride)

Non-rider guests are welcome and encouraged to attend the brunch, for a fee of $40. Just send an email with the details to treasurer@randonneurs.bc.ca and an e-transfer to payments@randonneurs.bc.ca (please include a note in the comments).

Submit entries to:
Ride Organizer Gary Baker
