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VanIsle 1200 Photos - 2014

Photos by:
Randy Atkinson, Graham Fishlock, Sarah Gallazin, Stephen Hinde, Étienne Hossack,
Mikael Jansson, Cheryl Lynch, Jim Runkel, Rob Scrimagour and Pam Wright


Go to:   Stephen's Photos en Route, from the Woss & Campbell River Controls and the Finishing Banquet (Flickr - 206 Images)

Go to:   Mikael's Photos from the Bike Check (Flickr - 40 Images)

Go to:   Graham's Photos from the Yellow Point Control (97 km) (Flickr - 13 Images)

Go to:   Cheryl's Photos from the Qualicum Beach Control (165 km) (Google+ - 91 Images)

Go to:   Sarah's Photos Including Some at the Finish (Flickr ~23 Images)

Go to: Rob's Photos, five sets: Registration - Start - First Leg - Duncan - Brunch (Flickr - 203 Images)

Go to: Randy's Photos Start to Finish (Flickr - 88 Images)

Go to: Étienne's Photos (4 Images)

Go to: Pam's Photos: Holiday shots Including the Ride (Dropbox - 272 Images) (Temporary)


Go to:   Jim's Photos from the Pre-ride (Google+ - 102 Images)