
BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


- The Forms Page -


To ride in a BC Randonneurs event 200 km or greater - "brevets", the "Flèche" and "Permanents" - you must be a BC Randonneur club member. To become a member, or renew your membership, you need to submit completed annual membership application and release forms, and pay the annual membership fee of $10. This can be done on-line, and is preferred. You may also mail your forms (and cheque for the fee) directly to th Membership Coordinator - address below. Rides less than 200 km, called "populaires" do not require membership.

Membership is by calendar year: January 1-December 31. Memberships purchased in the fall (September 1 or later) are active in the current year and through the following year. For example first-time members who join when they ride a fall 200 km will retain their membership through the entire following calendar year. If you join in the fall to ride Permanents, your membership will also be good through the following season.

Annual membership and event releases are also required to register for permanents.

Brevet event fees are $20, Permanents are free. The populaires, the Flèche Pacifique and 1200 km brevets have their own fee structures. These latter events have their own registration processes available on their own websites or web pages.

COVID-19 Note: As of January 2023, the Province of British Columbia continues to monitor COVID-19 infections. While public health emergency measures such as restricted travel and proof of vaccination are no longer in force, BC Randonneurs acknowledges that respiratory illness associated with COVID-19 infections is still possible and that all riders continue to exercise some degree of caution as they participate in sport.


Annual Membership Release
Event Participant
2022 (2023...)

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2025 Club Membership on-line option:
On-line Membership Registration & Payment
(This is the easiest way to join)

 Current Members List
(Under construction. May not include all members.)



Membership Coordinator:
PO Box 3014
Cultus Lake, BC V2R 5H6