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July Permanent
Permanent Brevet #51, 207 km
Ride Date: July 14, 2024
by Bob Goodison

That went better than I could possibly have hoped for. I had planned to start at 5 but I was ready at 4:45 so away I went. I rode my fast bike - a 1985ish Concorde I picked up last year from the Kamloops police auction for $36. Yes, I have spent some money on it since then, but not a lot.

Temperature didn't get above 20C until Westwold (96km). Nice and cool up the Salmon Valley, then had a headwind on 97 and Barnhartvale. I was rewarded with a strong tailwind for the final 65 km. Finished at 12:30 before the real heat got going.
Thanks, Bob


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July 15, 2024