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June Flood Route 200
Permanent Brevet #216
Ride Date: June 24, 2024
by Karen Smith

Permanent #216
Mon, June 24
200 Km
11 hrs 19 min

It was a beautiful day! Gary joined me at 53 km and rode with me until kilometre 137. It was nice to have some company! Thanks Gary!

My ribs were still sore from a June 12th injury. It was hard to be in the riding position and especially hard when climbing or starting/stopping.

I saw a deer on Lickman. : )

There were so many farm vehicles out and about. Some in the fields: spreading, spraying, watering and plowing. Some vehicles were on the roads, especially out on the Sumas Prairie, and they took up a whole lane and then some...

A bug got caught between the arm of my glasses and my helmet. It bit me and it sure stung! Don't know what it was, I couldn't see it, but I sure felt it!

I got stopped by a 3 min train on Yale, and had single lane construction on Camp River Rd, but only in one direction.

Traffic was good most of the day, but it got really busy in the last 15 km. I think everyone was trying to get home to watch the Stanley Cup Final.

No flats, no mechanicals.

: ) K



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June 26, 2024