Sidney Control ~48 km
Photo: Jim Runkel
The Hills Are Alive - Ride Story
Organizer's Report
by Jim Runkel
Day started early for the ride organizers and Volunteers. Philip and I were at the start setting up by 5am, and Steve with Melissa arrived shortly after.
Starbucks does not open till 6a, but Mike Croy had arranged to have Coffee ready by 540...and it was. Great Service from Starbucks
It was cool and there was a brisk wind blowing. The day was suppose to be sunny. Riders arrived, paperwork exchanged and at 6a all set of on the Hills are ALIVE 300. All controls were staffed by pre-ride volunteers. Philip and I took care of Sidney, Sooke and the Finish (end). Melissa and Steve took care of Langford and the Finish( start) , while Graham took care of Duncan
Weather remained ok, with showers in Duncan...but the story from all riders was gusty wind especially around Shawnigan Lake. As Mike Croy put it...the wind made it "a hard day at the office"!
We had a great spread of riders, some super fast to slow and steady. This ride really illustrated why Randonneuring is such a great sport...and also showed the determination of riders to finish! Roxanne chose THE HILLS 300 to be her first 300. It was nice to see that Roy and Roxanne, ended up riding together especially as this was her first 300...great Rando spirit shown!
I was glad to have good food supplies in Sooke. The peanut butter sandwiches seemed to be a big hit. Fred arrived in Sooke after all food services were closed and so we could stock him up and feed him well for the push to the finish.
It was certainly a long day for both riders and control staff. I was up at 4a and did not get home till 2a Sunday morning...
I would certainly say this ride was successful in many respects. We had no one DNF, and all arrived safely,some with a bruise or two. Each rider had their reasons for finishing this and so for them we were happy to provide what little "support" we could.
Thanks to each volunteer for your time and effort in making this 300 run well.
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April 21, 2013