Newsletter - 2012 Archive

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Cycling Club
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Coastal Inspiration
Permanent #97, 211 km
by Graham Fishlock

Graham's new permanent sure sounds inviting. He rode it recently and sent me this brief message which he doesn't mind me sharing with you. The Renfrew road was used in the 2011 EdHell Week 300 - it was rainy an cold.

Hi Eric,

I rode Permanent # 97 Coastal Inspiration (211 km) today (April 23). Time: 9:55. Believe me, it was a much more pleasant day to Port Renfrew than you faced last year during Hell Week. In fact, I hated to leave Port Renfrew after a wonderful lunch at my favourite cafe: The Coastal Kitchen Cafe in Port Renfrew. This is the first day this year I managed to ride in my jersey and shorts only. Even the switch backs on the return to the top of pass seemed pleasant in warm temperatures. I think I am going to make this a regular ride----besides much to offer aesthetically, it is also a good training ride. Trust me, it can be very pleasant.

Thanks Eric,


Ride date: April 23, 2012
Go to: Permanent Results

April 25, 2012


